never walk alone

never walk alone


Guide to the bible
A user friendly approach

Millions of people today are searching for a realiable voice of authority. The Word of God is the only real authority we have. his word sheds light on human nature, word problems, and human suffering. But beyond that, it clearly reveals the way to God.
the message f the bible is the message of Jesus Christ who said, '' I am the way, the truth, and the life'' (John 14.6). It is the story of salvation; the story of your redemption and mine through Christ; the story of life, of peace, or eternity.
Our faith is not dependant upon human knowledge and scientific advance, but upon the unmistakeable message of the Word of God.
-Billy Graham

One year Bible

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

The Easter Principle

Where Jesus is , darkness always turn to light
After the cross must come the glory of the resurrection!

So tragedy will not last
because of Jesus

Death has not found victory,
because of Jesus

Suffering must turn into joy,
because of Jesus

Sin has no power over us,
because of Jesus

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