never walk alone

never walk alone


Guide to the bible
A user friendly approach

Millions of people today are searching for a realiable voice of authority. The Word of God is the only real authority we have. his word sheds light on human nature, word problems, and human suffering. But beyond that, it clearly reveals the way to God.
the message f the bible is the message of Jesus Christ who said, '' I am the way, the truth, and the life'' (John 14.6). It is the story of salvation; the story of your redemption and mine through Christ; the story of life, of peace, or eternity.
Our faith is not dependant upon human knowledge and scientific advance, but upon the unmistakeable message of the Word of God.
-Billy Graham

One year Bible

Saturday, 15 May 2010

I haven't blogged here for ages. Well since the last time I did, I have really grown stronger in my faith and closer towards God. Well at least thats how I feel. But he has tremendously worked in my life to make me a better person for myself and towards others too. He has faithfully and so very gently lifted me up to tell me that I needed to grow stronger in him. I continue to pray for this sense of eagerness to want to know him more.

Recently, well for the pass 3 weeks? I have been attending daily prayer meetings ( mini bible study). We have done books of 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude and now doing James. Its been quite an interesting journey. I never knew I could read the bible in a whole new light. One that shines upon its interesting factor and realistic factor. Everything in the bible really speaks the truth and it is amazing how even though it was written SO many years ago, it still readily applicable to our lives.

1 John 1: We learnt that this letter that John wrote was to reassure us Christians of our faith we have in him. To walk with him and enjoy his fellowship. We should walk in the light and away from darkness. Darkness in this case meaning falsehood or false teachings. When you walk in darkness you walk without God. John was trying to warn us about false teachings. Teaching us on how we had to be honest and transparent before God. Confessing before him and opening our hearts to him.

1 John 2: We should set ourselves apart from this world. We are not of this world and should not conform to the world. We should set our eyes upon the ultimate goal that will make us achieve the eternal life we long for and hope for. We must not have the desires of the flesh, eyes and pride. We cannot serve two masters at the same time.

1 John 3: We must LOVE one another. We love because he first love us. This was an old command but yet John said it is a new commandment, only because we now know how to express this love through the works we witness through Jesus. By the Holy Spirit that he has given us we believe in his name and love one another and to obey him.

this is just abit of it....